A regular series of posts charting the development of www.synthsounds.net - the website which aims to have ALL the sounds of ALL the synths at the click of button
Current status: beta
Number of synth sounds: 42 of 375
June 29th 2018
Have been able to upload a large number of great synth demos, thanks to Jexus of http://www.syntezatory.net.pl/
So we've got some of the classics already - DX7, D50, some ARP, Moog, Korg and Roland...but no TB-303 yet! Come on guys - someone's got to claim that one for their own! :-)
I've also listened to feedback and am working up an updated version of the site with a play button so you can tell that you've triggered a sample playback and can pause it, etc. Will be a couple of weeks before it goes live as there's a fair amount of hacking around in code to get the correct mouse behaviours, etc.