It’s impossible to try and cover this incredible musician’s life and works in one inconsequential blog in one random corner of the internet, but as an electronic musician, synth obsessive and electronic music fan, I can’t let the passing of this uniquely gifted individual go unmentioned.
For me - Vangelis was one of my main portals into both the joys of electronic music and of music itself. His albums were on constant repeat in my formative years (along with Jarre and Kraftwerk), and his ability to create warmth, emotion and depth from (mainly) electronic instruments inspired me to follow in that musical direction. And I’ve also enjoyed playing his music on the piano and synths, as much as listening to the recorded work, and will always do so.
To have touched so many people with one’s music must be the goal of any musician, and Vangelis has touched more millions that I can imagine. He may be gone, but his music lives on.