It’s taken me a couple of weeks to recover from all the excitement, but here’s a few pics and notes from the event.
Here are some pics of the stand before show opening:
Nice Dreadbox modular machines to the right of me :-)
Mugs, T’s and posters!
Note the site on the iPad for visitors to play with
I was extremely honoured to have provided illustrations for the backdrop of the seminar room:
You can see my synth illustrations on the backdrop. A fun game of ‘guess that synth, sampler and drum machine’ while people waited for the seminar sessions and product demos to start. The Siel DK70 had ‘em all stumped :-)
I had a great time meeting customers and visitors alike, talking synth and poster. A big thanks to my friend Des for helping me man the stand. Eight hours can be tiring without back-up!
One highlight when I was off the stand was seeing the Fairlight seminar; lovely to see a real one in action and playing some of those famous sounds - ORCH5, and all. (Even more pleasing was the fact I’d included the Fairlight on the backdrop, so was nice to see that there as well!)
And there were loads of synths - too many mention; I’ll have to write another post..