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Launched in February 2025 at SynthEast 2025, the next two volumes in the ‘Synth Evolution Zine’ series: ‘Modern Classics’ and ‘Modular Greats’ -
Buy direct from Velocity Press. Just £4 each, delivering worldwide.
The Synthesizer’s Greatest Hits - a1 poster
Synth Evolution - the book!
Synthesizer Evolution: From Analogue to Digital (and back) is a brand new directory of ‘all the synths’ made between 1963 and 1995, as featured on the Synth Evolution posters. It’s an extended collection, with over 500 hand-drawn illustrations of synths, samplers, drum machines and pre-modern instruments, along with their vital statistics and facts.
Buy yours now from Velocity Press:
Synthesizer Evolution - Original A0 Poster
The poster that kicked it all off - every synth of the 20th century (450 of them) on one poster organised by year. Available in black and whiite.
Synth Evolution are proud to offer the world's first complete poster of all production synthesizers made between 1960 and 1995.
Each synth has been lovingly illustrated by hand and set chronologically in a poster that tells the story of electronic music over the last 50 years.
Available in two versions (black or white), and printed on high quality 200gsm paper, this A0 poster will provide a talking point in any studio or home.
The Synthesizer’s Greatest Hits - a1 poster (green)
Ninety-nine of the top vintage synths, drum machines and samplers in family tree format
Synth Evolution are proud to announce an updated, silkscreened edition of Synths Greatest Hits in British Racing Green - a radical, but stunning colour!
This new edition is silkscreened onto high quality 270gsm paper, making it a treat for the eyes as well as the synth-obsessed brain!
The poster is an intricately researched and painstakingly designed A1 poster featuring exactly 99 of the most iconic, important and interesting synths of the 20th century.
Featuring the same illustration style as the original A0 Synth Evolution poster, it now includes a selection of drum machines such as the Roland TR-808, TR-909, LinnDrum and samplers such as the NED Synclavier II, Fairlight CMI, Akai S1000 and Ensoniq Mirage.
Each synth is accompanied by a short description explaining it’s importance - for example how the Arp 2600 was used for the voice of R2D2, or that the Eminent 310 was the string sound used by Jean-Michel Jarre on Equinoxe I. Not only that, but the synthesis type is indicated, along with maximum polyphony and numbers of oscillators per voice.
All-in-all, it is a cornucopia of information and connections, guaranteed to keep any synth fan occupied for hours, and will provide a fascinating talking point for the studio or home.
A1 Green poster with white print 54.9 x 84.1cms (23.4” x 33.1”) on 270gsm paper